This video was taken by mysekf -onboard landed at Kuching Int. Airport
Passengers can now choose from three tiers of sizes - That's cool!
Just finished my reading on todays paper, our only Low cost carrier AirAsia, has implemented a new baggage policy effective 13th January 2009. This would great, plus the fuel price continuously down to USD$35 yesterday 16th January 2009, so i think its fare enough.
Dubbed Supersize, AirAsia passengers can now choose from three tiers of baggage sizes when purchasing tickets online. SO, here is the details of their charges;
- For domestic flights, customers can choose from Supersize Regular for up to 15kg of baggage and pay a nominal sum of RM5, Supersize Medium for up to 20kg at RM43 or Supersize Large for up to 25kg at RM80.
- For international sectors, the charges are RM5, RM55 and RM105 for Supersize Regular, Supersize Medium and Supersize Large respectively.
(With the implementation of Supersize, customers no longer have to pay the checked-in baggage handling fee of RM5 per piece of luggage. This means passengers who opt for Supersize Regular can check-in more than one piece of luggage but only pay RM5 as long as the total weight does not exceed 15kg but for the over-the-counter excess baggage fees remained at RM15 per kg for domestic flights and RM20 per kg for international sectors)
While for the Air Asia X charges are;- Supersize Regular for AirAsia X remained at the previous rate of RM20, while Supersize Medium and Supersize Large now cost RM55 and RM105 respectively.
(AirAsia X excess baggage charge of RM20 per kg on all its international sectors, except for London Stansted, where the charge is RM50 per kg).
This is a good news for us.. no worry to dumb all your bag to cargo hold just for RM5 but must not exceed 15kg!!.. I am FREE!!! hehehe at least save RM10 for every flight to buy something to fit in my stomach!!
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